It brings your business’ message links directly to people who may have never heard of your business or considered your products, but are knowledgeable and interested in your business’ area of expertise.
You may, also have heard of email marketing repeatedly on the internet, at conferences and during marketing strategy meetings. They say email marketing enriches business communications, targets specific key markets, and is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. But what exactly is email marketing and how does it work? Once you understand– what is email marketing?–you can start to implementing these practices to reach more customers and you will know why should a business/company spend time to maintain an email list...
Email marketing has evolved rapidly alongside the technological growth that has occurred consistently throughout the 21st century.
Email marketing is a popular way for businesses to reach customers. According to the Direct Marketing Association, research firms spent over $400 million in 2006 on direct email marketing.
The vast majority of Internet users have email accounts which allow them to receive an almost unlimited number of messages instantly. According to another survey conducted by Pew Internet, 82% of U.S. adults use the Internet, and email is one of the fastest, cheapest and easiest ways for marketers to connect with customers.
You see all sorts of businesses around the world using email marketing. From restaurants to plumbers, local bands to nationwide entertainers, bicycle shops to internet marketers, home based businesses to international franchises ... they are all using Email Marketing.
You may be wondering if email marketing is a good idea for your business. Well, you're asking the right question!
So now, let me ask you a few questions to help you decide:
- Can your business benefit by bringing on new customers?
- Can your business benefit by bringing previous customers back?
- Can your business benefit by reaching new prospects?
- Can your business benefit by sending out special offers, coupons, and promotions?
- Can your business benefit by staying in touch with existing customers?
- Can your business benefit by sending out regular updates to clients, staff, and members?
- Can your business benefit by reducing marketing expenses?
- Can your business benefit by increasing marketing efficiency?
By implementing email marketing to your business: -
- you can effectively generate new business
- create repeat customers
- lower your overall marketing expenses
- increase your marketing effectiveness
- improve overall profits
- and even generate additional revenue streams!
- generating new leads is the life-blood of any business
- fostering repeat business from existing clients is the cheapest and most profitable way to generate revenues.
- any time you can get and keep your company message in front of your clients and prospects, you should do it!
So, how does email marketing help you do these things?
By adding a capture form to your web site, or using a hosted capture page, you can begin generating new prospect lists for your business almost instantly. Offer web site visitors a free report, a sample, a download, etc... related to what you are selling. They fill out the form to request your offer and you just picked up another new lead!
By using your autoresponder to follow up with your existing customers, you can let them know about special offers and promotions, offer them new and add-on products and services, invite them back, and sell more to that same group of people!
It costs a LOT less to sell to repeat customers than it does to find new customers!
The good news is that we here at can help you do that with our email marketing AutoResponder.
Using your AutoResponder to send out a weekly or monthly newsletter can help you keep your message and branding in front of your best prospects and customers.
You can even generate additional revenues by offering advertising space in your newsletter, offering to do a joint venture or list-swap with another business that has a list in a related field.
When you really put your business hat on, it just makes sense that virtually any business on the planet can benefit from and should be using AutoResponders!... which brings me to yet another way you can generate additional income with AutoResponders!
Our Affiliate Plan pays you when you refer TrafficWave.Net to other businesses and you can build an additional income stream from weekly Fast Track Bonuses to Monthly Residual Commissions without ever taking your focus off your primary business!
If you haven't started using AutoResponders yet, start today!
We'll even give you a FREE 30 Day Trial and start without any cost!
So, See It For Yourself and Check It Out For Yourself!
To register for your FREE 30 Day Trial, Click Here Now and click "30 Day Free Trial" to get started!